Screen Printing vs Digital Printing: Which Is Better?

Screen Printing vs Digital Printing: Which Is Better?

With seemingly endless choices and various printing methods available, picking the right one for your project can be a baffling task. But if you're into print-on-demand, then deciding between Screen Printing and Digital Printing is particularly hard to make if you'd like to become more informed about both techniques before jumping in - worry not! This blog post holds all the information needed, so let us join forces on an insightful journey of discovery as we explore two widely used production strategies: Screen Printing vs Digital Printing – which ultimately triumphs?


Screen Printing

1. Explanation of Screen Printing

Screen printing is an age-old technique that involves using a mesh stencil to transfer ink onto a substrate. It’s an incredibly versatile process that can be used to print on many different materials, including paper, fabric, wood, plastic, and metal. The process begins with creating a screen – usually made from polyester or nylon mesh – onto which a design is burned using a photographic emulsion. Ink is then placed on top of the screen and pushed through the mesh holes by hand or using a squeegee. As it passes through the mesh holes and onto the material underneath, the image is transferred onto its surface.

2. Advantages Of Screen Printing

One of the primary advantages of this method is its ability to create vibrant colors and unique prints with incredible detail. This makes it ideal for any kind of artwork that requires bright, eye-catching visuals - especially when creating logo designs or t-shirt designs. Moreover, because each color has to be applied separately to create more complex prints, this method also offers superior accuracy than digital printing, where registration issues can sometimes be difficult to avoid. Last but not least, screen printing allows for higher quantity runs than digital printing since it’s much faster and cheaper per unit cost once setup costs are paid for.

3. Disadvantages Of Screen Printing

Despite its popularity, some disadvantages are also associated with this technique. One of these is its relative complexity compared to digital printing, as multiple screens have to be prepared in advance for every color needed per run - making it time-consuming and labor-intensive upfront. Additionally, because each layer has to be created individually with separate screens and inks, registration errors can sometimes occur, resulting in misaligned images between prints - something that doesn’t happen with digital printing, which uses one file for production purposes instead of multiple files per color. Finally, digital printing often proves more cost-effective regarding small quantity runs since setup fees are minimal compared to those associated with screen printing processes.

Digital Printing

1. Explanation of Digital Printing

Digital printing is an up-and-coming method that uses digital files rather than screens and inks. This process allows for the much more precise production of images, logos, and designs that can be done quickly and conveniently. Using digital printing allows for the reuse of materials, as well as the possibility to customize art pieces with vibrant colors and detailed designs. Moreover, the possibilities are seemingly endless regarding material selection, paper, fabrics, plastics, and metals can all be used.

2. Advantages of Digital Printing

By using digital printing instead of traditional methods of screen printing or offset printing, businesses can save on costs due to the reduced amount of tools needed to set up the prints (as there is no need to use films or plates). In addition, it is much quicker than other methods since the setup time is drastically reduced. The resulting image produced by digital printing is also more precise with higher resolution, this makes it perfect for applications such as product labels or personalized items where detail matters most. Furthermore, this method offers flexibility that cannot be found in other forms because it can easily produce short runs without having to make huge investments in stock.

3. Disadvantages of Digital Printing

One of the main disadvantages of digital printing is that its color vividness and uniformity are not as good as screen printing, and at the same time, the color rendering on the back becomes worse as the thickness of the fabric increases. Another disadvantage is that not all material types are compatible with digital printers. Some substrates may require specific treatment like sizing to make the inks penetrate into the fabric.

Which Is Better, Screen Printing or Digital Printing?

Now that we have gone over the advantages and disadvantages of screen printing and digital printing, let's discuss which is best.

1. Quality Considerations

When it comes to quality, screen printing is renowned for its reliability and vibrancy when it comes to coloring. The coloration technique allows for clear lines and edges on textiles – which makes it ideal if you’re looking for high-quality prints that require precision detailing, but it not suitable for complex designs with lot of small details or colors. On the other hand, digital printing has become more popular in recent years and offers excellent image resolution with vibrant colors – but it may not be suitable for exquisite details or intricate designs that require precise outlining.

2. Time & Cost

Cost and turnaround time should also be considered when choosing between screen printing and digital printing. Generally speaking, screen printing is usually more cost-effective than digital when producing large volumes of prints. However, this may vary based on the complexity and size of the printed designs. Additionally, the turnaround time for both methods differs significantly depending on how busy the printer is, digital can take up to 5 days, whereas screen can take up several weeks depending on how many orders are ahead of yours.

3. Suitability For Different Projects

Some projects are better suited for certain types of print than others, depending on your product goals, it is best practice to choose a method that works best with what you’re trying to achieve. For example, screen printing is great for thick fabric where nice colors on back side are needed, whereas digital print works better with art prints where lot of details need preserving. When unsure, speak with a professional supplier who can recommend an appropriate process based on what you need!


Now we can answer that age-old question of which is better, screen printing or digital printing? The truth is that both offer their own benefits and drawbacks, so it depends on the project and end goals. By assessing the quality, costs, and turnaround time, you should be able to decide which method is best for your project. Do some research to understand which process works for your needs, and always ask a professional if unsure!